What is AMP And Why We Use It On Your Site?
If you’ve ever been on your smart phone and pages seem to load really slow, well it’s probably because the site your loading is NOT using AMP. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a new Open Source project, where a bunch of companies from around the world got together and came up with a solution to improve the speed of pages on your smart device.
Why is this important? Well statistics show that over 46% of mobile users will not return to your page if it loads slow. So, it’s for this reason that Sitenetic integrates AMP into all of our websites. Hey, we’re geeks, we love this stuff. Most important, we want to make sure that your users have a great experience.
The project isn’t all the way done, but rather it’s an on going thing that gets better and better every year. So, next time you’re at a dinner party, mention AMP! Ahhh…well not really. But, you can if you want to.
Here’s a short video that talks about AMP. It’s a little techie, but it’s the least technical video we found.

Edgar is the founder and CEO of Sitenetic. He has a passion for business and technology. In his spare time he volunteers teaching software development to inner city youth.